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IPA – India Pale Asininity abounds

July 25, 2011

I’m starting to nitpick the IPA/dIPA categories these days.  Several basic IPA’s out there are bland.  Insipid.  Ordinary.  One-dimensional.  I’m looking at you, Redhook.  You too, Pyramid.  Dechutes, your Cascadian Dark Ale (black IPA) was a good beer, but the hop profile initially screamed at me.  Must have been too citrusy, quite possibly the Citra hops.

Don’t get me wrong, I like IPA’s as well as Imperial IPA’s.  When done well, it’s an exhilarating taste experience.  First, the hops hit your nose with a beautiful bouquet.  Then they assault your tongue with pleasant bitterness.  Then the malt backbone washes it down.  The alcohol warms you.  Repeat.

Typically, a substandard IPA just kicks your tongue in the metaphorical nuts.  Sorta like a bad beer paired with greasy pizza.  Sure it’s bitter.  I’m bitter too, but it’s because that beer is one dimensional.  The problem is that there is too much mediocre IPA out there.  You could bottle condition it.  You could inoculate it with small bit of brett.  Just make it interesting!

I read a few reviews (yeah, I know…) of Brewdog’s Punk IPA.  I’ve really not desired to seek it out.  But Nate over at THFB has peaked my interest.  Apparently, Hardcore is not Punk.  Cool.  I’ve found it difficult to find any offerings from Brewdog, but then again I don’t seek out brew shops (unless we’re talking about brewing equipment and ingredients).  I’ll look for it.

Incidentally, I do share the sentiment that the next greatest beer is brewed in my back yard or is sitting in my keg-o-rator.  And more to the point, my kegs are filled with an Imperial IPA that give you that exhilarating taste experience.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. July 25, 2011 3:01 pm

    Thanks for the shout out, Tex. I agree, and in fact think the IPA problem could be applied to so many other styles. I find that just about every porter out there is boring and typical.

    I think “Asinity” makes for a fantastic IPA name!

    • Big Tex permalink
      July 25, 2011 3:23 pm

      It would be a great name, IF, I brewed an asinine IPA. I don’t. 🙂 Neither do you. 🙂 That IPA inoculated with Brett… that was an awesome twist on the style. I tried it out at our local brewer’s festival last month, and I was very much impressed. Also outstanding was a berliner weisse made with some orange peel.

  2. August 11, 2011 8:40 am

    Brett in an IPA… interesting…

    I love the style, but I am more disappointed than not when trying new ones… so far Hop Knot (Four Peaks Brewing Co.) and Two Hearted Ale (Bell’s Brewing Co.) are my favorite examples…

    I’ve yet to try Russian River’s Pliny the Elder… need to make it to CA at some point to check it out…

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